As of February 3rd 2020, there are 241 homes for sale under $300,000 in Los Angeles County. The majority of these are located in the Antelope Valley with 155 homes representing 64% of the available homes. The second region is San Fernando Valley with 27 homes, 11% of the total homes. The following two regions are NorthWest County and Harbor regions both with 14 homes (6% each).

How cheap are the houses..?
Not all homes have the same price. With luck, you will have the chance to find homes with prices under $200K or $100K. Today, you can buy 23 homes for less than $200K and 2 homes for less than $100K. These last ones, when priced right, are the first to be taken by homebuyers who were ready on the first occasion or appearance in the market.

Are these homes listed recently..?
Yes, a good part of them is listed less than 30 days..! Some others are between 31-60 days, and a good part of them are over 60 and 90 days. Homes listed at the market price usually receive several offers from homebuyers and investors and are taken in a few weeks. On the contrary, homes listed above market price usually tend to rest for 30 to 60 days. At this time, homeowners should decide to maintain their position in the market or make discounts to accelerate the sale. Based on the above chart, 101 homes are over 60 days on the market and they should be having a painful dilemma: stand in their price position or make the home price flexible.

How many of them are houses or condos..?
Hopefully, most of these homes under $300,000 are houses. There are 151 houses (63%), and 87 condos (36%). We found only three formal Townhouses, also known as PDU Project Development Units, and none of the 238 homes are mobile or manufacture homes, meaning none of them need to pay a land lease. It is important to highlight that depending on different circumstances you may prefer a house than a condo. A condo or townhouse unit involves a sharing, on full or part, the property rights, and the emerging of the Home Owner Association HOA, as the entity that governs the common areas. Most of the homeowners would prefer not to share their decision power with others. Being the sole owner of a house becomes the desired dream.

How do I get the addresses..?
The list of Los Angeles Homes for Sale under $300,000 is available after registration. Please fill the below form to get the list. If you are interested in visiting any of these homes or placing an offer, contact me as soon as possible. Some homes may need an appointment for visits