The main purpose of Investing in Real Estate is to grow your personal wealth. Unlike stock and bond investors, prospective real estate investors can use leverage to buy a property by paying a portion of the total cost upfront, then paying off the balance (plus interest) over time. Throughout the process, real estate investors can find themselves in the role of holders, flippers or landlords. In the end, every investor will always seek to recover their investment in the best way possible.
The usual steps of a real estate investor are:
• Investing your savings in buying land or distressed homes.
• Invest extra savings and getting finance to build or remodel the property.
• When the property is in perfect conditions the investor can:
a. Sell the property when the market price is at the top price,
b. Hold the property waiting for the best moment for sale,
c. Lease the property to receive monthly cash.
The time of recuperating your investment is determined by your financing capabilities, the size of the investment, and your own preferences. It may take as fast as four months or as slow as years. If you need to find a lender for your project, feel free to contact us or visit our Finding Lenders page.
If you are planning to start investing with real estate, we suggest you talk with all the key players: investor lenders, architects, building contractors, interior designers, city officers, and real estate brokers about your project before making any final decision.
This page will offer some properties you may be interested in. We have organized them in 4 categories:

If you consider any of these options, as part of your investment porfolio feel free to call or text me at (323) 942-9347. I can help you in the process of acquiring your next real estate investment.
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