Los Angeles County Supervisors and Los Angeles City Council approved a fund to bring support for renters and landlords during the pandemic COVID-19 times.

Los Angeles City will provide to its residents two-monthly $1,000 per household, directly to landlords. If the debt to landlords is less than that, the household will receive a credit for the balance to be applied for the third month.
Tenants with an income of 80%, or below, the average median income and affected by Covid-19 can apply to the program.
Los Angeles City Council will use $100 million from the Federal Cares Act budget to help residential tenants and landlords. These funds will reinstate the Los Angeles City Emergency Renters Relief Program.
Los Angeles County will provide up to $1,000 per month for three months to renters and landlords who have lost income due to the coronavirus pandemic. Los Angeles County will spend up to $30 million on rent relief using also the Federal Cares Act budget.
Los Angeles County is also extending a local residential and commercial tenant moratorium on evictions until July 31. This policy applies to all cities unless they adopted their own policies.
Last May UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy predicts that as many as 120,000 families with 184,000 children could be unable to pay rent with a high risk of increasing the homeless population.
You can check also old relief programs that help renters and landlords. LACDA Los Angeles County Development Authority has relief programs for both renters and landlords
In addition to these Support for renters and landlords programs, there are Renters Relief programs in your local cities. If you need help to find them, send us a message and gladly I will provide the available information.
[Form id=”1″]We recommend calling the Housing Rights Center to get any additional information about landlords and renters’ rights and avoid any legal lawsuit. Each city has its own regulations and programs. You can get an updated HRC Guide to Covid-19. If you want to contact HRC call Phone (800) 477-5977 or visit their website.
CBSN Los Angeles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU4CfSUIFuU